I Am Not a S*** : S*** - Shaming in the Age of the Internet download book EPUB, DOC, FB2


The author of the groundbreaking work Slut explores the phenomenon of slut-shaming in the age of sexting, tweeting, and liking. She shows that the sexual double standard is more dangerous than ever before and offers wisdom and strategies for alleviating its destructive effects on young women s lives.Young women are encouraged to express themselves sexually. Yet when they do, they are derided as sluts. Caught in a double bind of mixed sexual messages, young women are confused. To fulfill the contradictory roles of being sexy but not slutty, they create an experienced identity on social media-even if they are not sexually active while ironically referring to themselves and their friends as sluts. But this strategy can become a weapon used against young women in the hands of peers who circulate rumors and innuendo elevating age-old slut-shaming to deadly levels, with suicide among bullied teenage girls becoming increasingly common. Now, Leora Tanenbaum revisits her influential work on sexual stereotyping to offer fresh insight into the digital and face-to-face worlds contemporary young women inhabit. She shares her new research, involving interviews with a wide range of teenage girls and young women from a variety of backgrounds as well as parents, educators, and academics. Tanenbaum analyzes the coping mechanisms young women currently use and points them in a new direction to eradicate slut-shaming for good.", The author of the groundbreaking work Slut! explores the phenomenon of slut-shaming in the age of sexting, tweeting, and "liking." She shows that the sexual double standard is more dangerous than ever before and offers wisdom and strategies for alleviating its destructive effects on young women's lives. Young women are encouraged to express themselves sexually. Yet when they do, they are derided as "sluts." Caught in a double bind of mixed sexual messages, young women are confused. To fulfill the contradictory roles of being sexy but not slutty, they create an "experienced" identity on social media-even if they are not sexually activewhile ironically referring to themselves and their friends as "sluts." But this strategy can become a weapon used against young women in the hands of peers who circulate rumors and innuendoelevating age-old slut-shaming to deadly levels, with suicide among bullied teenage girls becoming increasingly common. Now, Leora Tanenbaum revisits her influential work on sexual stereotyping to offer fresh insight into the digital and face-to-face worlds contemporary young women inhabit. She shares her new research, involving interviews with a wide range of teenage girls and young women from a variety of backgrounds as well as parents, educators, and academics. Tanenbaum analyzes the coping mechanisms young women currently use and points them in a new direction to eradicate slut-shaming for good., Young women today are encouraged to express themselves sexually. Yet when they do, they are derided as "sluts." Caught in a double bind of mixed sexual messages, they're confused. To fulfill the contradictory roles of being sexy but not slutty, they create an "experienced" identity on social media--even if they are not sexually active--while ironically referring to themselves and their friends as "sluts."But this strategy can become a weapon used against young women in the hands of peers who circulate rumors and innuendo--elevating age-old slut-shaming to deadly levels, with suicide among bullied teenage girls becoming increasingly common. Now, Leora Tanenbaum--senior writer and editor for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, author of the groundbreaking work Slut , and the writer who coined the term slut-bashing--revisits her influential work on sexual stereotyping to offer fresh insight into the digital and face-to-face worlds contemporary young women inhabit. She shares her new research, involving the experiences of a wide range of teenage girls and young women from a variety of backgrounds as well as parents, educators, and academics. Tanenbaum analyzes the coping mechanisms young women currently use and points them in a new direction to eradicate slut-shaming for good.

Download ebook I Am Not a S*** : S*** - Shaming in the Age of the Internet by Leora Tanenbaum in TXT, PDF, DOC

Into their embroidery they sewed their place in history as independent women, proud of their Hispanic heritage and ability to bring beauty to articles that helped them survive in the often harsh and dangerous environment.She launched 4Karma wine in 2005, the first private label wine with a special reserve for charity., This book takes you on a very different journey to wine country, inviting you to enjoy the remarkable stories of twenty dynamic women in the world of wine.An epic that feels deeply personal .Most expect to continue feeling the pinch of paid and unpaid work for many years before their retirement.It s idyllic, remote, picturesque: exactly what they need to put the horror of the past behind them.One hundred and fifty years earlier, a huge oak tree was felled in front of the cottage during a raging storm.The women profiled share one trait that faith is bigger than the institutional church.As a designer, he drew upon his training in Chinese watercolor, the aesthetics of his mentors, Jo Mielziner and Boris Aronson, and the post-war developments in German design to develop a new approach to stage design that radically altered American scenography.Until he realizes he's inadvertently become that guy--the one-night Casanova--and worse, everyone in town knows it.She later enters a Salvation Army home for unmarried mothers, but is determined to keep her baby.She was the first American woman to write a coherent feminist argument, and her writings and work championing the emancipation of woman still carry a powerful message for contemporary women.The author ties the stories of these pioneer women to the experiences of women today with the hope that they will be inspired to live boldly and bravely and to fill their own lives with vision, faith, and fortitude.It fills a gap in the scholarship which has largely ignored the experiences of black women in the advertising profession and will be of great interest to scholars of advertising and marketing history, African-American Studies; cultural, media and gender studies.This chapter also includes theoretically informed discussions of young adult fiction and southern literature.Overcoming the skepticism that a dog can provide answers that medical science is still seeking, the family finds a resounding sense of peace and reassurance through Coach's near miraculous abilities as a medic-alert dog, specially trained to detect dangerous changes in blood sugar levels.